A soul of a building – Hommage to the Great Generation

Carl Sandburg (1878 – 1967) , the three-times Pulitzer Prize winner poet and biographer of Abraham Lincoln tells us about the hidden  ingredients of the fabric of our modern society, by which we… Continue reading

The difference

Robert Frost (19874 – 1963), the highly acclaimed American poet of his time, famous for using the elements of rural life in his poetry to express philosophical themes. As it takes the wisdom… Continue reading

The dreamkeeper

Langston Hughes (1902 – 1967) was a dreamer, an Afro-American social activist in times when dreams often got interrupted, nevertheless he kept on dreaming, moving, inspiring, inventing jazz poetry and leaving us with a… Continue reading

Castle of sugar

Robert Bly (1926-) with his original American quirky voice tells us about his castle of sugar which sweetens life and it’s simple pleasures. How do you like your coffee?

Afternoon thoughts by the sea

Pablo Neruda (1904 – 1973), the Chilean diplomat and politian, who also happened to be a Nobel Prize winner poet had a special set of thoughts and feelings during the afternoon while he… Continue reading

Questions of love and freedom

R. D. Laing (1927-1989), controversial psychiatrist and actor, poet; looking for the ultimate answers that may be carried by the frosty Scottish wind around the world.

Ars Poetica

Why holiday? Because that is when you start paying attention to things other than compulsory. That means poetry read or done on holidays. Why poetry? Because it’s a smart way of artistic expression.… Continue reading